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filling slot中文是什么意思

用"filling slot"造句"filling slot"怎么读"filling slot" in a sentence


  • 装球缺口


  • According to the latest definition of mcs , the later joint - filled slots belong to mcs
  • The later joint - filled slots are one of effective methods of the crack control of massive concrete structure ( mcs )
  • The conclusions of this paper can guide the construction of the later joint - filled slots . on studying temperature and thermal stress of the later joint - filled slots , the new method is offered
  • Compared with the experiment data , the temperature field and the thermal stress field are discussed . the spacing , the time of sealing and the plane form of the later joint - filled slots are discussed especially , and it is found that the spacing , the time of sealing and the plane form of the later joint - filled slots are comprehensive indexes which are relevant to material , design and construction . the theory value of the spacing and the time sealing of the later joint - filled slots and some proposals on the plane form are presented on the basis of numerical calculation
  • The heat transfer and the restriction circumstance are simulated . the temper ature - time curve and the stress - time curve are obtained . because the later joint - filled slots are restrained strongly , in which the thermal stress is great , especially in the corner , in spite of a little temperature rise , some measures should be taken to prevent them from producing cracks
    利用有限元前处理软件vizicad建立了“ t ”形后浇带模型,模拟了后浇带的“热环境”和“约束环境” ,计算得到了后浇带的应力和温度发展曲线,发现虽然后浇带的温升不大,但受到的约束较大,因此产生较大的温度应力,特别是在其拐角处,应采取措施防止裂缝的出现。
用"filling slot"造句  


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